

    AWX on Kubernetes/OpenShift

    Ansible AWX provides a RESTful API, web interface and a task engine that is built on top of Ansible. It is the upstream project for Red...

    Install Foreman 3.7 on RHEL 8

    Introduction Foreman is a powerful open-source infrastructure management tool that simplifies the provisioning and management of physical and virtual servers. It provides a web-based interface...

    How to Forcefully stop hanging Foreman tasks

    Method I Run the following command in the Foreman/Satellite server to access the foreman console. # foreman-rake console Loading production environment (Rails 6.0.6) irb(main):001:0>     Cancel all running Sync...

    Ansible Playbook to collect local and LDAP users on Linux

    Ansible - Manage Users Ansible uses  ansible.builtin.user module to manage users. This module is part of the ansible-core included in all Ansible installations. To make it...

    Creating Ansible AWX/Ansible Automation Platform Execution environment

    As of version 2.0, Ansible AWX/Ansible Automation Platform has replaced Python virtual environments with Execution Environments(EEs). In a nutshell, it’s running all of your...

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